
1.6.5 Bowel cleansing preparations

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Drugs used for perioperative bowel cleansing not listed below:

NPSA Rapid Response Report: Reducing risk of harm from oral bowel cleansing solutions (2009):

All healthcare organisations using bowel cleansing preparations should ensure that:

  • A clinical assessment is undertaken by the clinician authorising the surgery or investigative procedure (including GPs using the direct access route) to ensure that there is no contraindication (e.g. clinical condition such as diverticulitis) or risks (e.g. concurrent medication such as diuretics) from the use of a bowel cleansing solution.
  • The use of a bowel cleansing solution is authorised by the clinician at the same time as the surgery or investigative procedure.
  • The clinician requesting the surgery or procedure and authorising the use of a bowel cleansing solution is responsible for ensuring that an explanation on the safe use of the product is provided to the patient or carer.
  • A safe system exists that involves an authorised clinical professional in the supply of the medicine and written information (including named contact) for each patient.

Fluid intake is important with bowel cleaning agents used as preparation for colonoscopy, CT or surgery.

Fleet Phospho-soda

(Sodium acid phosphate with sodium phosphate)

  • Oral solution


  1. Prescribe by brand (to aid identification where products contain multiple ingredients, or to prevent confusion where multiple brands contain similar ingredients)

(Macrogol 3350 with anhydrous sodium sulfate, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride)

  • Oral powder


  1. Prescribe by brand (to aid identification where products contain multiple ingredients, or to prevent confusion where multiple brands contain similar ingredients)

(Macrogol 3350 with anhydrous sodium sulfate, ascorbic acid, potassium chloride, sodium ascorbate and sodium chloride)

  • Oral powder


  1. Prescribe by brand (to aid identification where products contain multiple ingredients, or to prevent confusion where multiple brands contain similar ingredients)

(Magnesium citrate with sodium picosulfate)

  • Oral powder


  1. Prescribe by brand (to aid identification where products contain multiple ingredients, or to prevent confusion where multiple brands contain similar ingredients)