
Chapter 17: Wound Care

Specific information regarding the Prevention and Management of Skin Damage beneath PPE (from Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust) during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can be found here.

Specific information regarding the Prevention and Treatment Protocol for Mask Associated Dermatitis (MAD) and Skin Damage beneath PPE (from Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic can be found here (RD&E Intranet)

For further support or advice please contact:

North Devon District Hospital (Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

Infection Prevention and Control – – 01271 322680

Tissue Viability – – 01271 349160

Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust)

Infection Prevention and Control – 01392 402355

Tissue Viability – – 01392 208462