
18.4 Continence accessories

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Urinal systems

There are additional appliances available on prescription that may help an individual to retain continence such as urinals and bedpans. 

Male funnels may be helpful for individuals to direct urinary flow into the toilet.

Female urinals, to which a non-sterile catheter leg bag can be attached, are available on prescription. These should be replaced on a six monthly basis.

Bridge Saddle Urinal (Beambridge Medical)
  • Order code 6-26 (£15.60)
  • Total useable unit volume = 750ml.
Bridge Urinal (Beambridge Medical)
  • With Tap, order code 6-18T (£15.60)
    • Can be used with or without a drainage bag
  • Without Tap, order code 6-18 (£15.60)
    • Must be used with a drainage bag
  • Total useable unit volume without a bag = 400ml.
Male Draining Jug (Beambridge Medical)
  • With Tap, order code 6-50T (£15.60)
    • Can be used with or without a drainage bag
  • Without Tap, order code 6-50 (£15.60)
    • Must be used with a drainage bag
  • Total useable unit volume without a bag = 400ml.

Catheter disposable collection bags

SpeediBag Compact (Coloplast)
  • Catheter disposable collection bag (28592) (£22.75 = pack of 30)

Catheterisation gels

Catheterisation can be painful for both males and females. It is important that the urethra is prepared with a lubricating or anaesthetic gel before insertion of the catheter.

Lubricant gel is included in the catheterisation tray packs. Some patients may require anaesthetic gel.

For all children / young people please refer to the Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Care Specialist Nurses.

Optilube (Optimum Medical)
  • Lubricating jelly in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml syringe (£1.04 = 1 x 11ml syringe)
OptiLube Active CHG Free (Optimum Medical)

(Lidocaine 2%)

  • Catheterisation jelly in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml (£1.14 = 1 x 11ml syringe)
Instillagel (CliniMed) 

(Lidocaine 2%, chlorhexidine gluconate 0.25%, methyl hydroxybenzoate 0.06%, propyl hydroxybenzoate 0.025%)

  • Gel in pre-filled syringes 6ml, 11ml (£1.10 = 1 x 11ml syringe)

Catheter patency (maintenance) solutions

Catheter patency solutions is the term referred to in the British National Formulary (BNF). The group of medicinal products have previously been referred to as Bladder Washouts and Catheter Maintenance Solutions.

For catheter patency (maintenance) solutions, please see section 7.4.4 Bladder instillations and urological surgery.

Please consider local trust policies/SOPS/competencies.

Catheter straps / fixation devices

The use of support and other fixation devices helps to adequately secure the bag, which reduces the potential damage to the bladder neck and urethra, and associated infection risk.

All devices must be applied correctly and following manufacturer’s instructions to prevent kinks and occlusions in the catheter, which can cause bypassing or blockages. A patient’s leg must be measured to ensure the correct fit. The leg or abdomen should be measured to ensure the correct size is ordered. Abdominal straps may be cut to fit the leg.

Some patients may prefer leg bag straps; these need to be used in conjunction with a fixation device to provide the best support. Additional care must be taken to apply the leg strap correctly to reduce the risk of restriction of the circulation to the limb, which may give rise to deep vein thrombosis, or tension and traction to the urethra. It is particularly an issue for patients with oedematous legs.

Fabric sleeve

(Leg bag holder)

  • Small
    • 24cm – 39cm (150111) (£8.97 = 4 devices)
  • Medium
    • 36cm – 55cm (150121) (£8.97 = 4 devices)
  • Large
    • 40cm – 70cm (150131) (£8.97 = 4 devices)
  • Extra Large
    • 65cm – 95cm (150141) (£8.88 = 4 devices)
Stabilisation device
StatLock (Bard)
  • Foley catheter stabilisation device (FOL0102DT) (£13.97 = pack of 5)


  1. For use with all Silicone and Latex Foley catheters
Fabric / silicone strap
Ugo fix Catheter Straps (Optimum Medical Solutions) 

(Fabric catheter straps)

  • Short 45cm (3002) (£13.64 = pack of 5)
  • Medium 80cm (3003) (£15.06 = pack of 5)
  • Long 130cm (3009) (£18.34 = pack of 5)
  • Extra Long 180cm (3010) (£20.52 = pack of 5)
Simpla G-Strap (Coloplast)

(Fabric catheter straps)

  • Adult 50cm (383001) (£15.70 = pack of 5)
  • Abdominal 90cm (383003) (£17.32 = pack of 5)
GB Fix-It Retaining Strap (Great Bear Healthcare)

(Silicone catheter strap)

  • Short 35cm (10646C) (£15.51 = pack of 5)
  • Medium 45cm (10644A) (£15.51 = pack of 5)
  • Long 80cm (10645B) (£16.97 = pack of 5)
  • Adjustable strap 150cm (cut to fit) (10647D) (£19.56 = pack of 5)

Sleeve/strap/device prescription - 5 packet, usage will depend on wear time and washing regime.

Leg straps (included in leg bag packs)

Orders of 10 leg bags will be accompanied by a set of leg straps. Individual sets are available on drug tariff.

Leg straps prescription - 10 per box, each pair may last one week, so minimum 10 weeks supply.

Catheter valves

It is essential that a full assessment is carried out prior to valve use, ensuring that the patient fully understands. Cognitive function and dexterity need to be considered when assessing for a catheter valve.

  • Correct selection for the patient is essential. A sterile valve can be attached to the catheter for 5-7 days. It should then be replaced.
  • Ideally these should be considered as first choice as opposed to "free drainage" via a urine drainage bag, unless contraindicated for a medical reason such as renal impairment or patient choice.
  • A night bag can be attached directly to the valve outlet for "free drainage" at night.
  • Using a valve 7-10 days prior to trial without catheter (TWOC) may help to regain bladder function and tone, although there is no strong evidence for this any many TWOCs are carried out before a catheter has been in place for that long.

Prescription - 5 per box enough for 5 weeks supply, no more than one packet should be prescribed every month.

Prosys Catheter Valve (CliniSupplies Ltd)
  • Sterile catheter valve (PCV3942) (£10.32 = pack of 5)
Libra Lever Catheter Valve (Great Bear Healthcare) 
  • Sterile catheter valve (10540A) (£13.93 = pack of 5)
Flip-Flo Catheter Valve (Bard) 
  • Sterile catheter valve (BFF5) (£14.47 = pack of 5)