
5.4 Antiprotozoal drugs

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Malaria prophylaxis

  • The Department of Health advises GPs that private prescription forms should be used to prescribe drugs for malaria prophylaxis. Chloroquine and proguanil are available 'over the counter' (OTC) whereas mefloquine and Malarone require a private prescription.
  • Refer to BNF or MIMS for telephone numbers for up to date advice on recommended products.
  • Costs of treatment can vary between community pharmacies. Advise patients to obtain information on cost of dispensing private prescriptions for malaria prophylaxis from their community pharmacy.
  • Due to the risk of mixed falciparum and non-falciparum malarias treatment should be directed against falciparum malaria unless, due to geographical constraints or the results of diagnostic tests, one can be confident that infection is due purely to non-falciparum plasmodia.