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From April 2018, NHS National Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Programme has been launched in the Devon ICS area aiming to prevent the onset of Type 2 Diabetes in the at-risk population. The scheme will be delivered by Xyla Health & Wellbeing for the Framework 3 from August 2022.
The scheme deliver evidence-based behavioural interventions to individuals at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and associated long-term illnesses.
Non Diabetic hyperglycaemia (NDH) identified by blood test in last 12 months (without diabetes diagnosis) e.g.:
People with a history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) and normoglycaemia (FPG lower than 5.5mmol/l or HbA1c lower than 42 mmol/mol)
Consider red cell abnormalities
Health Care Professional (HCP) (e.g. GP, practice nurse, community nurse) sends/gives a self-initiative letter to eligible patients, which encourages patients to directly contact the provider to book an appointment.
Fill out and send the referral form to
The provider of the service will provide:
Individual patient assessment:
Primary intervention offers:
(please see supporting information for further details)
Digital service:
(please see supporting information for further details)
End of programme review:
Tailored remote group-based sessions:
Remote catch-up sessions:
Please note pre-referral criteria are applicable in this referral and referrals may be returned if this information is not contained within the referral letter/form.
Send the self-initiative letter directly to eligible patients including NHS number, blood test result and date.
For patients aged 80 years old and over, please only use the referral form and send it to, do not use the self-initiative letter.
For people with a history of GDM, blood test results are no longer required from March 2024. These patients (age 18-79 years old) can self-refer to the programme via Gestational Diabetes - Preventing Diabetes ( or by calling on 0333 577 3010, or emailing to stating the patient has a history of gestational diabetes. This includes those who have current GDM (i.e. are currently pregnant), although they can only start the programme post-pregnancy. GP practices may also refer these patients using the referral form.
Diabetes Prevention Programmes patient self initiative letter template
We will cover in detail:
Topics |
The risk factors for diabetes and what is happening in the body to cause elevated levels of blood glucose. |
What changes might be beneficial in safeguarding against type 2 diabetes and the associated complications. |
What to eat to achieve a nutritional balance for optimal health. |
The impact of mental and physical stress on the body and how this causes elevated levels of blood glucose. |
The impact of poor quality or insufficient amounts of sleep on your health. |
The required amount of daily movement for optimal health and how this can be achieved. |
NDH (pre-diabetes) patient information
NDH (pre-diabetes) referrer information
Pre-diabetes patient information - MyHealth Devon
Patients have said that they want more support to manage their condition. Consultants, GPs and nurses have said that they want to be able to support patients to self-care more easily.
People joining the programme have seen HbA1c reduced to below the 'at risk' range quickly, have reduced their weight and made lasting changes to their lifestyle during the 9 month programme. There is good published evidence of a 40% reduction in progression to diabetes for people who complete the programme.
NHS Prevention Programme cuts chances of type 2 diabetes for thousands | NIHR
This guideline has been signed off by the Diabetes Prevention Programme working group on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: April 2022
Updated: August 2024