All information is correct at time of printing and is subject to change without notice. The Devon Formulary and Referral Website is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored by users. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the website.
Basic investigations should be carried out according to the local care pathway but as a minimum should include:
The following may be performed in primary care, or after referral to secondary care, as per local protocol:
Advise the patient regarding the cervical screening programme and arrange screening if appropriate (this should not delay pregnancy termination)
There are three strategies for dealing with STIs and the choice between these approaches depends on local protocol and the prevalence of infections:
In order to give valid informed consent to termination, the patient should be fully informed about the options available and be given further support and counselling as appropriate to her needs:
When giving the woman the information and counselling:
Offer the patient time to consider their decision, and arrange a review appointment if the patient wishes:
If the woman does want more time to consider the decision, with the woman's agreement consider:
If Patient less than 100% sure to proceed with termination of pregnancy
There are two providers of TOP clinics for those in the Exeter and North Devon catchment. Referral information for both are below.
Royal Devon University Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust with branches in Exeter and North Devon
MSI Reproductive Choices UK services.
The Devon Sexual Health website has lots of useful information related to termination of pregnancy. You can find out more about how to access services and support, as well as information about treatment options.
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.
Publication date: August 2018
Updated: September 2023