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Paediatric Bladder & Bowel Service


We are a small team of specialist paediatric nurses who provide treatment and intervention for children with bladder and bowel difficulties. We see children with

  • Ideopathic Constipation
  • Daytime Wetting
  • Night time Wetting (Nocturnal Enuresis
  • Specialised treatment for bladder/bowel dysfunction for children with complex needs – catheterisation and trans anal irrigation

We provide a Continence Promotion Service for children with additional needs. We see and assess children who are eligible for continence products because of their physical or learning disability

We provide education and training to families, nurseries, and schools for children with additional needs who have had a delay in achieving continence.

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    NICE clinical guideline CG99 on constipation in children and young people recommends that children and young people with 'red flag' symptoms that indicate an underlying disorder or condition that is not idiopathic constipation should be referred urgently to a healthcare professional with experience in the specific aspect of child health that is causing concern.


    This would normally be undertaken by nurses competent in providing advice and information on nocturnal enuresis, constipation and toilet training problems. These could be school nurses, health visitors or community nurses, but would also include GPs.

    This includes basic advice e.g. signposting to ERIC, and support, for example, to help promote "healthy" bladders and bowels – to reduce the risk of problems, such as constipation, developing, or, once developed, being missed.

    The Paediatric Bladder and Bowel Care Service (PBBCS)

    The PBBCS assesses and treats children and young people with Idiopathic Constipation, Day and Night time wetting, and those children with special needs whose toileting has been delayed and has more complex bladder/bowel problems.

    Onward referral to Consultant Paediatrician/Consultant Paediatric Urologist if red flags present/medical review

    Referral Instructions:

    Please email referrals to

    If further guidance around appropriate referrals to the PBBCS is required the service can be contacted at:

    Paediatric Bladder & Bowel Care Service
    Compton House
    11 Park Five Business Centre
    Harrier Way
    EX2 7HU

    Tel: 01392 208044


    Patient Information

    ERIC - The children's continence charity

    Pathway Group

    This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.

    Publication Date: April 2019

    Updated: July 2024