
Ophthalmology Services

Urgent Advice and Referral

Urgent Care will continue to be provided in line with normal triage processes on a case by case basis. All these services can be accessed by primary care, community midwifery, and via ED.

Ophthalmology Services have triage facilities to support their ED services and are available for advice and making urgent appointments on the contact numbers below.

North Devon Hospital:

For patients an answer phone service only: 01271 314181

For healthcare staff only: 

Monday – Friday, 8:00 to 20:00: 01271 322461

All other times: On call ophthalmologist via switchboard: 01271 322577

Royal Devon and Exeter:

For healthcare staff only:

Royal Devon and Exeter (WEEU):

Monday – Saturday, 09:00 to 17:00: 01392 404955 (this is professionals only telephone number and should not be given to patients)

If no answer after ~ 2 minutes, email the team on: (this is professionals only email and should not be given to patients)

Please attach full referral details and any photographs you have, the team will then contact the patient by telephone.

If a patient has been seen at RDUH and diagnosed with uveitis, they can self-refer to

Outside of our opening hours, please call RDUH switchboard on 01392 411 611 and ask for the on-call Ophthalmologist

The ‘Think 111’ initiative in Devon, a professional’s line on 01392 404955 for you to still be able to speak to an Eye Care Professional within the hospital when you need emergency advice or to make an emergency referral. Please note this number is not to give out to patients, who instead are to be asked to contact 111. The only exception is patients who have had eye surgery/injections within the last 6 weeks with WEEU, Heavitree, or Axminster hospital.'

For healthcare staff only: All other times the on call ophthalmologist via switchboard: 01392 411611

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Urgent Advice and Referral

Urgent Care will continue to be provided in line with normal triage processes on a case by case basis. All these services can be accessed by primary care, community midwifery, and via ED.

Ophthalmology Services have triage facilities to support their ED services and are available for advice and making urgent appointments on the contact numbers below.

Plymouth Hospital:

For healthcare staff only the rapid access clinic triage line:

Tel: 01752 437692. Email referral if no answer:

Opening hours: Monday – Friday, 08:30 to 16:45. Saturday – Sunday (and bank holidays), 09:00 to 13:00

Closed Christmas day.

All other times: On call ophthalmologist via switchboard for emergency cases: 01752 202082. For urgent cases, e-mail and the REI team will call the patient the next working day.

For new patients: Contact 111 or a MECS Optometrist.

Torbay Hospital:

For healthcare staff only:

Anyone who needs to be seen immediately, or within 48 hours for the ophthalmic emergency service, should be referred by phoning 01803 654926 from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Contact the on-call service via switchboard for out of hours help on 0300 456 8000 or 01803 614567.

ED or 999 should continue to be used for life threatening injuries and illnesses.

This page provides service contact information for Urgent Ophthalmology Services in the four Devon Acute Trusts. Information has been provided for patient accessible services and healthcare professional contact numbers for advice, guidance and potential referral.

Key Messages

This information has been provided to minimise Emergency Department referrals for patients where ED will add little value. ED referral is for any life or limb threatening illness or injury.

Units have redesigned services and workloads to support social distancing as much as possible for the safety of staff and patients.

This information supplements information the patient may already posses through contact with community ophthalmology services. Please ensure the patient possesses the right contact information for any escalating health issues.

Publication date: March 2021

Updated: October 2023