
5.2.3 Polyene antifungals

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Amphotericin B

MHRA Drug Safety Update (July 2018): Parenteral amphotericin B: reminder of risk of potentially fatal adverse reaction if formulations confused. These formulations are not interchangeable.

MHRA Drug Safety Update (July 2020): Liposomal and lipid-complex formulations: name change to reduce medication errors.

Prescribers, pharmacists, and nurses need to be fully aware of the formulation being used and the associated dose regimen. For further information refer to the MHRA Drug Safety Update.

AmBisome Liposomal

(liposomal amphotericin)

  • Powder for dispersion for infusion vial 50mg


  1. These formulations are not interchangeable (see MHRA Drug Safety Update above)
  2. When prescribing, communicating and dispensing amphotericin products, use both the complete generic name and the proprietary name e.g. liposomal amphotericin (AmBisome)
  3. Verify the product name and dose before administration, especially if the dose prescribed exceeds 1.5 mg/kg (the maximum recommended dose for Fungizone, below)

(non-lipid amphotericin)

  • Powder for concentrate for solution for infusion vial 50mg


  1. These formulations are not interchangeable (see MHRA Drug Safety Update above)
  2. When prescribing, communicating and dispensing amphotericin products, use both the complete generic name and the proprietary name e.g. non-lipid amphotericin (Fungizone)
  3. Verify the product name and dose before administration, especially if the dose prescribed exceeds 1.5 mg/kg (the maximum recommended dose for Fungizone)