
Lid Hygiene

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Warm compress:
  • Boil some water and let it cool a little (water should be hot but not hot enough to burn)
  • Soak cotton wool or a clean flannel in the water, wring it out and gently press onto your closed eyelids for two to three minutes at a time
Lid massage:
  • Massage eyelids by gently rolling your first finger over them in a circular motion or running the length of your finger down the eyelids towards the eyelashes.
  • This helps to push out the oil from the eyelid glands
Lid hygiene:
  • In front of a mirror
  • Using a cotton bud moistened in boiled, cooled water
  • Use a moistened cotton bud to gently clean the inside/back edge of your eyelids then scrub off any flakes on the base of your eyelashes

Pathway Group

This guideline has been signed off by NHS Devon

Publication date: May 2022