

Teledermatology in North Devon

The North Devon District Hospital Dermatology Department has launched a teledermatology service. This service allows GPs to seek advice from a consultant dermatologist by sending a secure email with relevant clinical information along with digital photographs of the area/s of concern. This service provides an alternative to out-patient referral for selected patients and can be used to obtain rapid advice from a consultant dermatologist within 5 working days.

The service should be particularly useful for elderly patients living in nursing or residential homes who may find it difficult to travel. For these patients GPs should consider taking a digital camera or smartphone with a camera to their consultations (note the photography guidelines in Appendix B).

With consent from the patient (see consent form at Appendix D), clinical photographs can be taken in the consultation using either a home or practice digital camera or a smartphone camera. The photograph/s should then be attached and sent from a secure email (such as NHS mail) with the relevant clinical information to

The teledermatology service can be used to:-
  • obtain rapid diagnosis and management advice from a Consultant Dermatologist
  • triage patients with basal cell carcinomas for skin surgery - patients will be sent preoperative information in the post and may be booked directly onto an appropriate surgical list, avoiding the need for a dermatology clinic appointment.
  • 2-week wait skin cancer referrals (suspected melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma)
  • Pigmented lesions (please refer to the pigmented lesion clinic for dermoscopic evaluation).

Teledermatology and Dermatology Service information

Dr Karen Davies, Lead Clinician, North Devon Healthcare Trust

Tel: 01271 312850


Dermatology website

Please use this link for more information.

GP Guidance: Using the Consultant Connect App to take secure clinical images using your smartphone