
Inter-menstrual bleeding


Inter-menstrual vaginal bleeding (IMB) is defined as bleeding that occurs between normal menstruation in non-pregnant women. Normal menstrual cycle can be anywhere between 21 and 35 days.

Out of Scope

Postmenopausal Bleeding – see Postmenopausal Bleeding - North & East

Bleeding on HRT - see Bleeding on HRT - North & East

Postcoital Bleeding – see Post Coital Bleeding - North & East

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  • Frequency of occurrence
  • Any specific pattern
  • Heavy or light spotting
  • Date of last smear


  • Speculum and pelvic examination
  • Visualize vulva, cervix and vagina
  • Look for injury, foreign body, infection
  • Take swabs:
    • one high vaginal swab (HVS e swab from posterior fornix and vaginal wall)
    • one vulvo-vaginal swab (VVS NAAT swab which is a multicollect kit) rub along vaginal wall, labia and introitus for 15s – specify gonococcus (GC) and chlamydia (CT) on form)
    • If symptoms and signs are compatible with GC or CT then an endocervical swab (ECS with e swab into the endocervix and rotated 360°) should be done in addition to the above HVS and VVS. Specify GC/CT on the request.
  • Check smear is up to date and obtain if due.

Differential Diagnoses

Inter-menstrual bleeding can be associated with:

  • Infection (chlamydia is a common cause)
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Contraception:
    • Progestogen only pill
    • Combined contraception, especially low dose
  • Intra-uterine contraception device or intra-uterine system
  • Injury
  • Foreign body
  • Polyps

  • Recurrent IMB if over 40 years:
    • that persists for longer than 6 months with no obvious cause, or
    • if other risk factors for endometrial pathology (see below)

- request transvaginal ultrasound and refer urgently to gynaecology outlining the risk factors.

Risk factors for endometrial pathology:

  • BMI over 40
  • Family History/genetic predisposition (Lynch/Cowden syndrome)
  • Unopposed oestrogen
  • PCOS
  • Diabetes
  • Tamoxifen

Smear (only if due as part of national screening program).

Swabs – see examination.

  • Treat any identified infection
  • Where possible remove foreign body or cervical polyp and send to histology
  • If under 35 and no red flags consider trial of contraceptive pill or progestogenic support e.g. LNG-IUS, POP, luteal phase progesterone for 6 months – please see Contraception Guidance - North & East
  • If over 35 years without red flags, refer for a transvaginal ultrasound
  • If no response to primary care management, or management is unable to be undertaken in general practice, and symptoms persist, refer routinely to gynaecology.

Referral Criteria

If no response to primary care management, or management is unable to be undertaken in general practice, and symptoms persist, refer routinely to gynaecology


  • Recurrent IMB if over 40 years:
    • that persists for longer than 6 months with no obvious cause, or
    • if other risk factors for endometrial pathology (see below)

- request transvaginal ultrasound and refer urgently to gynaecology outlining the risk factors.

Risk factors for endometrial pathology:

  • BMI over 40
  • Family History/genetic predisposition (Lynch/Cowden syndrome)
  • Unopposed oestrogen
  • PCOS
  • Diabetes
  • Tamoxifen

Urgent Suspected Cancer Pathway:

Referral Instructions

e-Referral service selection:

  • Specialty: Gynaecology
  • Clinic Type: Not Otherwise Specified
  • Service: DRSS-Northern-Gynaecology- Devon ICB - 15N

Referral Form

DRSS Referral Form

Pathway Group

This guideline has been signed off on behalf of NHS Devon.

Publication date: November 2018

Updated: December 24