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Jasmine Lodge Mother and Baby Unit (MBU) in Exeter is a relatively new mental health inpatient unit (opened 20 May 2019). There are 8 beds for mothers and their babies/infants. Mothers can be admitted if detained under the Mental Health Act. The MBU is an NHS England Specialised Commissioning service. The beds are for mothers living in Cornwall, Devon and Somerset though the unit will accept out of area admissions if a nearer unit does not have capacity and Jasmine Lodge has vacant beds.
The unit adhere to admission criteria offered by all 19 MBU's across England to ensure a standardised approach to accepting admissions. The admission criteria can be found below in the Referral Criteria section.
Exclusion criteria as set by NHS England:
Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths (MBRRACE) red flags (Mental Health section, pages 42-60).
Consider misattribution of symptoms; mental and physical health.
If a mother does not meet the above criteria consider a referral to the local Community Perinatal Mental Health Team or TALKWORKS (Improved Access to Psychological Therapy Service).
The Mother and Baby Unit provides admission for mothers from 32 weeks in pregnancy up to 12 months postnatally. We have a cut-off point for admission at around 10 months postnatally which allows us to offer up an to 8 weeks admission episode. This brings us up to the 12 months period. Admission would be appropriate for vulnerable women presenting with one or more of the following:
Professionals who can refer include, Mental Health Professionals (Recovery Care Co-ordinators, Psychiatrists, Liaison Psychiatry Teams, Crisis Teams), GP's or Approved Mental Health Practitioners (AMHP's), Midwives or Health Visitors.
Telephone the Mother and Baby Unit on 01392 539100 – Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00 ask to speak with the Duty Outreach Practitioner, outside of these hours it's the Nurse in Charge on the unit on the same number.
The service do not accept emailed referrals owing to the high risk/severity of mothers usually referred.
Referral Form Completion: Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00 the Outreach Practitioner will complete the referral form with the referrer, outside of these times the referrer will be asked to complete the form electronically and email to a telephone call must take place before referring with the form.
This guideline has been signed off on behalf of the NHS Devon Clinical Commissioning Group
Publication date: February 2020