
17.8.6 Cohesive compression bandages

First Line
Second Line
Hospital Only

Cohesive bandages adhere to themselves, but not to the skin, and are useful for providing support for sports use where ordinary stretch bandages might become displaced and adhesive bandages are inappropriate. Care is needed in their application, however, since the loss of ability for movement between turns of the bandage to equalise local areas of high tension carries the potential for creating a tourniquet effect. Cohesive bandages can be used to support sprained joints and as an outer layer for multi-layer compression bandaging; they should not be used if arterial disease is suspected.


(A water-resistant, vapour-permeable, knitted fabric consisting of cotton, acrylic and elastomeric fibres)

  • 10 x 6m (£3.28) 10 x 7m, (£3.75)


  • Ko-Flex is the fourth and top layer of the K-Four multilayer compression bandaging system. It has a retention function, while also providing compression of up to 20mmHg on an 18–25cm circumference ankle


  1. Can also be used to apply light pressure support to limbs in the management of sprains and strains, or during rehabilitation following orthopaedic surgery
  2. Compression bandage systems are not recommended for patients with arterial disease (ABPI <0.8)
  3. Contains natural latex

Short stretch compression bandages

Short stretch compression bandaging is used to help reduce oedema and promote healing of venous leg ulcers. They are also used to reduce swelling associated with lymphoedema.

These dressings are applied at full stretch over padding, which protects areas of high pressure and sites at high risk of pressure damage.


(Cohesive, inelastic (short-stretch) compression bandage)

  •  4 x 6m (£2.63), 6 x 6m (£3.08), 8 x 6m (£3.54), 10 x 6m (£3.67), 12 x 6m (£4.68)


  • Treatment and management of venous leg ulcers, lymphoedema and chronic oedema


  1. Not suitable for ankle circumference of <18cm unless padding is used to increase it to ≥18cm
  2. Caution required when cardiac overload is suspected and/or diabetes, advanced small vessel disease, arterial disease, renal failure or rheumatoid arthritis is present
  3. Do not use if there is known sensitivity to the bandage. An ABPI of between 0.5>0.8 or above 1.3 requires further investigation before use