
Waiting Times for Routine Care

You can access information or national wait times via MyHealth Devon

Wait times FAQs

Where has the data come from?
  • This data is produced by the acute providers showing a snapshot of their wait times for each specialty. This is called the ‘Waiting List Minimum Data Set’.
  • Every effort is made to provide data that is as accurate as possible to the current waits. However, the waits shown should be used as a guide only, to help inform clinical decisions and patient expectations.
Why are the figures different to the national My Planned Care waiting times?
  • Both tools use the Waiting List Minimum Data Set.
  • This Waiting Times Tool shows the 95th percentile. The 95th percentile means that 95% of patients are seen within x weeks.
  • The My Planned Care tool shows the mean, i.e., ‘average’, waiting time.
How regularly will this data be updated?
  • This data will be refreshed monthly.
What is the difference between Non-admitted and Admitted?
  • Non admitted means your treatment is provided in an out-patient setting. The time shown includes the time to your first outpatient appointment.
  • Admitted means your treatment involves admission to hospital for an operation or treatment (including day cases). The time shown includes waiting for your first outpatient appointment.
Why are some Admitted waits shorter than the wait time for the Non-admitted?
  • This can be for several statistical reasons e.g., sample size, speciality dependent - their mixture of urgent to routine referrals etc.
  • Every effort is made to provide data that is as accurate as possible to the current waits. However, the waits shown should be used as a guide only, to help inform clinical decisions and patient expectations.
Why is no data showing for a provider when you know they provide the service?
  • There is one Independent Sector (IS) Provider that is not currently providing their Waiting List Minimum Data Set (WLMD). This is the Nuffield (Exeter and Plymouth). Efforts are being made to provide this data as soon as possible.